What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

The lights are not synchronized properly, in either direction, which frustrates drivers thus potentially causing them to speed and/or run red lights. Traffic does not flow smoothly.

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Bike access is for the most avid/daring cyclists, but is sometimes necessary to connect travel points. It is a key gateway to river path access at Patterson, Onyx, and Walnut but you would not know it from a design/user experience. Multiple lanes encourage speeding and make driving stressful for maneuvering into lanes for upcoming turns and allowing for business access. It is terrible for pedestrians. I provided input on the “Walnut Station” intersection improvements over a decade ago and am dismayed at the delay in action. That intersection needs to prioritize peds/bikes/transit users and set the tone for drivers entering from the east that Franklin is a street for everybody and is not a freeway. The UO needs to adopt a student education program to de-California-ize their driving habits and learn to “chill out, share the road, destress, and breathe.” Happy/positive signage along Franklin to that effect would help too.

So much opportunity for safety and access improvements, which would make the road more enjoyable for all users, including cars and busses. In the current configuration, Franklin is loud, fast, and unpleasant for those not in a car. When I drive it, it’s unpleasant because I worry that I can’t see pedestrians or cyclists. I would prefer if the driving surface were fewer lanes, there was dedicated infrastructure for peds and cyclists, and clearly marked crosswalks with responsive lights.

Too many stop lights and odd intersections. Sidewalks could be wider for pedestrians as well as more prominent pedestrian crossings. There are many “turn lanes” that seem to not be ready correctly as I have witnessed many “almost collisions” between city buses and cars, or cars and pedestrians.

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No roundabouts!!! They will make it worse for everyone. Impose a lower speed limit, make safer bike lanes, install actual traffic lights at crosswalks instead of the flashing red light, but no roundabouts!!!

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I have always felt that Franklin needs to be updated and improved. The signage is confusing, the speed of traffic dangerous and the walking ability questionable.

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It needs more signs for drivers and safer ways for people to cross the street.

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I would never walk or bike on Franklin- dangerous and unpleasant. I avoid it for driving (even though we live right off it) as the traffic and signalization make it a pain.

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It’s ugly. Signage is poor, especially traveling west regarding left turns. It’s pedestrian unfriendly.

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Circles are not my favorite, prefer lights.. Don’t know statistics on accidents. Seems with pedestrian/ bike traffic, circles would be more dangerous and distracting for drivers with pedestrians. Also add the bus to the complexity. Not to mention the road rage we are experiencing these days in Eugene.

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Better bike pathways, easier for cars to see signage

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The pedestrian light right before Patterson(technically I think this might be Broadway and not Franklin) is cumbersome and leads to more traffic. I agree for the need for pedestrian protection but there has to be a better way

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I would love to see a way for it to be easier to cross the intersections on Franklin. the lights are just long enough for pedestrians to cross, but there is no additional time for cars to continue turning.

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Where will all the traffic go? How to make pedestrians safe with hiway traffic? Roundabouts must have stops or they are dangerous for pedestrians. Current traffic lights seem best for pedestrians.

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Designated turn signals needed at Walnut NOT a roundabout. Drainage issues westbound in particular -approximately Orchard to Riverfront Pkwy and near 959 building and eastbound near Agate

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The crosswalk with the red light that changes to a blinking red light by Broadway and Franklin is not safe. I see people try to cross without the light, I see one lane stop and the other not stop. People, often students whip down from Ferry St. bridge and drive to fast or try to merge around that light. Now with the new apartments there will be more congestion without parking. I try to avoid that area at all costs. Clearly the apartment buildings success is the main priority and not safe travel along Franklin.

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We consistently dislike the merging from I-5 coming westbound onto Franklin, with low visibility merging & then getting over for the left turn at MoC to go south toward our house. And the Franklin – Agate intersection timing is great for pedestrians, not so great for cars, etc.

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Synchronize the traffic lights. The light at Agate interferes with the flow of traffic.Too many drivers speed to “make the light” Scares / harms pedestrians, bike riders, other non-drivers.

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the intersection in front of the UO arena near starbucks is a mess…..a traffic circle will only make it worse….enforcement of proper driving there and no texting driving enforcement is needed and fixing sidewalks and making traffic lanes through that intersection clearer (with signage and road paint etc) will help

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Synchronize the traffic lights. Now, cars speed to “make the light.”, endangering walkers, bicyclists etc.

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It’s an ugly welcome to the city/university district. vehicles drive way too fast despite there being pedestrians nearby/crossing it all the time. drivers treat it is an extension of the freeway and/or simply as a thoroughfare to get past as quickly as possible. it’s not a pleasant experience for those who are not in a vehicle…. and even when driving, it’s hard because of the confusing signage, awkward intersections and chaos of UO campus being on both sides of the roadway.

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I feel like Franklin (specifically by the UO campus) primarily has problems with pedestrian traffic. Cars will run red lights at the Agate intersection even after the crosswalk light has turned on, or cars will turn onto Franklin without paying attention to pedestrians crossing the street. In contrast, I also see a lot of pedestrians jay-walking when there are cars or even busses coming. I think the timing of the lights on Franklin is generally very fair; it’s just that not everyone seems to care about them. Perhaps better signage would help? Or the presence of campus police with the intent to give tickets to those who do not adhere to lights.

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People drive too fast. Intersection near Hirons and Matthew Arena is funky. Better signage is needed.

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