What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

Not sure, it’s something that we frequent 2x a day mostly to reach the university’s daycare.

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Honestly, I don’t live nor travel over in that direction these days like I once did when living in SE/E Eug and predominantly rode my bike. In general, I avoid vehicle traffic when biking, taking side streets. When driving, I go the fastest route with INfrequent stops (like where I live in Santa Clara, I’ll choose NW Expressway or Beltline vs the length of River Rd).

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There is recently a lot of trash on the sides of the road.

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I enjoy driving past the university and the landscape there.

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I don’t think changing Franklin is going to help. Eugene has outgrown its infrastructure.

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I would like for the changes to suit the COMMUNITY not only the U of O.

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lazy firsties whould walk more

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Blood Alley

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