What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

The biggest problem I see with Franklin boulevard is noise, safety, walkability, and bicycle transportation. The only reasonable modes of travel on Franklin are bus or car. Even driving in a car you still have to look at a very ugly, noisy, and unsafe street. Improving walkability, and biking access is the first step to improving the street. Adding trees, moving businesses up to the sidewalk and widening sidewalks creates a safer, prettier, and more inspiring walking environment.

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There is no practical way to get from downtown (ie willamette and broadway) to say, riverview street or market of choice etc. without going hugely out of one’s way to either the river or 13th. If I want my trip to be direct and logical by going down Franklin…. It is awful, not safe, you end up on the sidewalk, not well lit in some stretches -given that there’s no bike lane. Both directions of sidewalk, however, also seem like they would be both tricky to navigate and not the loveliest to journey upon if one is in a chair or has a walking assist.

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Even driving on Franklin is unpleasant and chaotic. Outside of a vehicle, any of the myriad passing cars could turn into a business at 45 mph without looking and kill me. It is a loud, stressful place to be a pedestrian, and I avoid spending time near it.

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Today, Franklin Blvd is defined almost entirely by its value to car drivers. Drivers come from downtown or 11th St and are trying to get to Springfield or the highway as fast as possible; or they are going to other way and trying to get past the University as fast as possible. this leads to congestion and people going drastically different speeds. In addition, parking for the University or the Matt Knight is generally on the north side of the road but people are trying to get to the south side of the road, and there aren’t many crossings. I find myself often trying to get onto the river path behind the Dutch Bros riding my bike, but the pavement is broken up, cars are driving crazy in the west-bound lanes and into the Dutch Bros line, and there generally are tents or yelling people blocking access. Finally, there was a pedestrian path that came off of 15th near Fairmount that is the logical place to walk or run if you are coming from Hendricks Park and going onto the river path, but there is no pedestrian crossing there, so frequently people run across the car lanes where folks are driving 40+ mph. There’s some good things, too. I like the landscaping around the Emx, and the area down towards Onyx St is really starting to look cool. The mural at Agate & Franklin is fabulous, and I have hope for Agate St north of Franklin when the construction is done.

Best options for Franklin are EMX or driving at this time. I don’t even like to walk across Franklin and too much traffic to have walking on the sidewalk be a pleasant option. Definitely would need a protected bike lane, before I’d consider biking in the area.

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So much opportunity for safety and access improvements, which would make the road more enjoyable for all users, including cars and busses. In the current configuration, Franklin is loud, fast, and unpleasant for those not in a car. When I drive it, it’s unpleasant because I worry that I can’t see pedestrians or cyclists. I would prefer if the driving surface were fewer lanes, there was dedicated infrastructure for peds and cyclists, and clearly marked crosswalks with responsive lights.

I see Franklin Blvd mainly from an EMX bus, and it mostly looks pretty bleak.

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I think roundabouts do work to improve traffic flow. More could be done to improve attractiveness, especially the Glenwood sections.

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I really don’t like how the buildings along Franklin all block the view to the canal. There used to be lovely green area with trees and shade. Also, all of the student housing and student apartments are an eyesore. They look like cargo shipping containers. If more housing is built, can it be for long term residents and not all for students?

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I do anything to avoid this roadway, but I live in Fairmount so I have to interact with it. It’s not well planned – just cobbled together with lots of lane changes required for drivers, dysfunctional intersections, too many lanes of traffic, traffic is too fast. I like to walk or bike from Fairmount neighborhood to the river and just despise the Franklin crossings as a pedestrian or biker. Even with the stop lights, I’m very wary because there are generally over six lanes of traffic traveling very fast and you only need one of those lanes to have an inattentive driver. There are a couple places closer to town with two roads coming together in a Y shape that are obvious retrofits and dangerous. It’s also ugly and uninviting. No wonder so many restaurants on Franklin fail. It’s just the worst road in Eugene and realistically needs a complete overhaul.

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Besides making it safe and fit with current needs, please make it beautiful. The trees need grooming and we need new “Welcome to Eugene” sign. It’s embarrassing when you enter the city from that street.

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I support the goals of both Vision Zero and CFEC. I have no opinion about traffic circles nor the locations of turns off of Franklin. I am most concerned with creating a safe and attractive thoroughfare with clear delineations between cars and non-motorized user paths as well as trees for much-needed shade.

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I would never walk or bike on Franklin- dangerous and unpleasant. I avoid it for driving (even though we live right off it) as the traffic and signalization make it a pain.

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It’s ugly. Signage is poor, especially traveling west regarding left turns. It’s pedestrian unfriendly.

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Franklin is unsafe for bicycles and scooters. Bus access is good, but the pedestrian access doesn’t feel safe or enjoyable. The sidewalks must be awful for people with wheelchairs or other devices. Franklin is also very unattractive, and is one of the first roads that some visitors see. This stroad is poorly designed and doesn’t serve our community.

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It’s not very attractive and seems very hectic.

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Drivers don’t respect the flashing red light crosswalk near Patterson. The intersection of Franklin & Agate is suuuper dangerous. I work at UO and cross this many times a week and there are always near-accidents with pedestrians. Specifically drivers who are on Riverfront Pkwy southbound, turning right onto Franklin. The pedestrians need more protected crossing. Now that UO is utilizing the Millrace garage as main parking lot for staff and visitors, it is very busy from 8-9 and 4-5. Lastly, the speed limit should be slower. Many times when walking eastbound near Wild Goat Restaurant area, cars fly down Franklin and I have been splashed with a huge waterfall from the car driving by.

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This is the first impression that the UO and the city gives to anyone first coming into town and it is not a good one. In fact, it is very unattractive. The lack of trees, the overly wide roads with multiple lanes of traffic encourages fast driving…the city can do better. I worry about students the safety of students who have to cross this street regularly.

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The UO campus and downtown Eugene are pedestrian friendly, human-scaled environments. Franklin should emulate this. Less traffic lanes, protected bike lanes, more trees.

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Well, it works, though it’s pretty ugly and not all that safe.

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Move forward with the proposed changes – it will make it safer fro all involved as well as making it a more welcoming and business/university friendly welcoming from the 1-5 to our downtown core in Eugene

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I bike across Franklin everyday and consistently see people speed and run red lights. There needs to be better pedestrian and bike crossings and overall accommodation for car alternative transportation. Also it is the Main Street of Fairmount and should aesthetically reflect the neighborhood identity.

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