What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

Delighted with planned changes to Franklin Boulevard – they will make it much safer and quieter for our neighborhood and invite walking and biking. They will speed up EmX service.

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Franklin Blvd is asked to do a lot, but wasn’t designed to do what it’s being asked to do. It is the primary means of traveling to and from events at the UofO and it is limited by the capacity of the adjacent streets to handle the traffic loads. Some restrictions on traffic flow have been implemented in the past that have made it safer for cars and EmX, but it is not a bike or pedestrian-friendly area. I hadn’t heard of the planned changes but am happy to hear that it’s being looked at. I only visit the area when traveling to and from a business in the area. If I were to attend an event in the area, I would consider a park and ride option on EmX, or shared ride such as a taxi or Uber.

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I’m supportive of the changes proposed for Franklin. I live 4 blocks from Franklin and there is incessant traffic noise. It’s a ‘track meet’ when I’m not driving on it, and it’s ‘too annoying with all the lights’ when I am driving on it. Classic George Carlin bit, but true for me. I think the changes will slow down speeds, yet maintain steady throughput. I want all of our city streets to be narrow and treed. Frankly, I want all cars to go away as soon as possible.

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I would love to see changes that encourage other modes of transportation besides cars. I live within 2 miles of my office but biking or walking on Franklin is enough to discourage me from using those modes of transportation.

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With the continued growth of off campus housing occurring we have the opportunity to really create safe and accessible routes through town. Let’s use this opportunity to really grow our town in a safe way that promotes multiple forms of transportation.

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I support the idea of improving this road

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I am excited to see Franklin Blvd transform into a safe multi-modal corridor!

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A few of my neighbors are adamantly against the plan. I am not. I think it looks wonderful. The Walnut intersection is not safe for bicyclists. To go straight across Franklin at Walnut, 1/3 go to the left lane (marked for going straight), 1/3 go to the right turn only and 1/3 only feel safe by going onto the sidewalk and using the crosswalk. It is a very poor design and it is surprising that more people aren’t hurt there.

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I ride my bike to work almost daily in the spring, summer, and fall. I almost always move my bike up onto the sidewalk when I am crossing Franklin Boulevard, because I am concerned about being hit by the cars that are coming from behind me or turning right. I also use a great deal of caution when I am returning from work, crossing Franklin Boulevard again. I am always concerned that a driver will not see me and could hit me. As a pedestrian, I also frequently cross Franklin Boulevard. I also worry about my safety as I cross because of the fast-moving cars. I have not been hit here, but I am very cautious because I have been hit by a car and hospitalized in the past. In the winter, I now drive to work, because now that I am older, I do not wish to ride back-and-forth on my bicycle when it is dark. I have been so impressed by the change in Glenwood Franklin Boulevard. I was delighted to learn that there might be a similar traffic circle in Eugene on the Franklin Boulevard near my house. I think this would be more beautiful and would be safer, both when I ride my bicycle, and when I walk. I am disappointed by my neighbors’s strong opposition to this plan. Unfortunately, I have been unable to attend the meetings. I did respond in an email to my neighbors about my support of the plan. I also watched the strong opposition to the changes on Willamette Street in the last couple of years, and how this opposition melted after the changes were made. The changes make Willamette Street so much better. I am thinking that this might happen with the Fairmount neighborhood opposition.

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Move forward with the proposed changes – it will make it safer fro all involved as well as making it a more welcoming and business/university friendly welcoming from the 1-5 to our downtown core in Eugene

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Interested in what is planned. I drive Uber/Lyft

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Improvements are vitally needed

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From attending 5 city open houses and neighborhood presentations I have questioned and learned a lot about the Franklin Boulevard Project. It is excellent. Finally, Franklin Blvd will be safe to cross, bikeable and walkable. EmX service will vastly improve. Students and seniors will be much safer and better able to navigate the neighborhood.

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Franklin Boulevard is very dangerous to pedestrians and cyclists. The sight lines from turning lanes, the speed of traffic, the number of lanes, the fact that people tend to drive well over the speed limit regularly, the confusing nature of the turning lanes onto side streets… I can’t even list all the ways is currently unsafe to those who are not inside a vehicle. Even though I have never been hit while walking, it has come very close a number of times and that is also traumatizing. I would never consider riding a bike or or other mobility device on Franklin because that is a death wish. I think the city’s plans are good, and that roundabouts are not as scary as people think they are!

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I trust the city to implement an appropriate solution and support the new design including roundabouts.

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Franklin is due for a revamp. Don’t let our local neighborhood association tell you otherwise. Also the market of choice lot is a total disaster. I drive here everyday.

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Franklin is currently one of the most unfriendly & unsafe streets in Eugene in terms of pedestrian, biking or using businesses. And this is an area where there is a significant number of students walking and biking. I currently choose not to utilize businesses in this area because of the noise & lack of accessibility. Improvements would increase my interest in utilizing businesses in this part of town. Additionally it is important that access by pedestrians & alternative forms of transportation be improved, that the speed of traffic be reduced, access to transportation systems be improved upon. I believe the both the public process around re-development on Franklin and the recommendations/ outcomes are good ones. I’m also concerned that delays will result in the loss of federal funding.

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I’m excited to see the changes that will be made for Franklin Blvd.

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