What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

The lights are not synchronized properly, in either direction, which frustrates drivers thus potentially causing them to speed and/or run red lights. Traffic does not flow smoothly.

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It’s a highway and feels like it. I’ve lived here most of my life and still find myself unsure of what lane I need to be in to get where I want to be. The intersection at Walnut is pretty bonkers, I’m wondering if anyone at the City has driven that one lately? Turning left there is an experience weird enough that I deliberately will drive blocks away to avoid it. Lately I’ve seen more traffic violations (running red lights) than before, and there doesn’t appear to be any traffic enforcement presence. I’d love to see changes to make it more walkable and bikeable.

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I cross Franklin daily for work and nearly every day have to avoid someone running a red light. It’s by a wide margin the most frequent place I see that behavior impacting pedestrians in Eugene.

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Too much traffic. Cars going too fast. Drivers don’t pay attention to pedestrians and bikers. Drivers cruise through red lights when making right turns. Crosswalks are too far apart, especially with respect to the EmX stations.

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It is not the students despite what the article said. Drivers (of all ages) frequently run the red lights especially at Franklin and Villiard near the arena. The intersection is poorly designed and very long. So many crashes and near misses.

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Too many stop lights and odd intersections. Sidewalks could be wider for pedestrians as well as more prominent pedestrian crossings. There are many “turn lanes” that seem to not be ready correctly as I have witnessed many “almost collisions” between city buses and cars, or cars and pedestrians.

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My biggest problem is cars and buses going right ahead and continuing through the light at which I commonly cross.

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Cars often speed or do not wait for pedestrians to cross villard. Often times cars speed way too close to sidewalks and do not respect busses or people walking.

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Drivers don’t respect the flashing red light crosswalk near Patterson. The intersection of Franklin & Agate is suuuper dangerous. I work at UO and cross this many times a week and there are always near-accidents with pedestrians. Specifically drivers who are on Riverfront Pkwy southbound, turning right onto Franklin. The pedestrians need more protected crossing. Now that UO is utilizing the Millrace garage as main parking lot for staff and visitors, it is very busy from 8-9 and 4-5. Lastly, the speed limit should be slower. Many times when walking eastbound near Wild Goat Restaurant area, cars fly down Franklin and I have been splashed with a huge waterfall from the car driving by.

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I bike across Franklin everyday and consistently see people speed and run red lights. There needs to be better pedestrian and bike crossings and overall accommodation for car alternative transportation. Also it is the Main Street of Fairmount and should aesthetically reflect the neighborhood identity.

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Franklin Blvd is very busy and often I’ve seen drivers run red lights when pedestrians are crossing the street. There are potholes in the crosswalk which makes it very dangerous for pedestrians, especially folks with any type of physical disability. The crosswalk time isn’t long enough for anyone with a disability or alter-ability to cross in a timely way.

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Synchronize the traffic lights. The light at Agate interferes with the flow of traffic.Too many drivers speed to “make the light” Scares / harms pedestrians, bike riders, other non-drivers.

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It is extremely noisy for people walking or rolling and difficult to navigate. Not all the sidewalks connect and pedestrian signals are long. The bike infrastructure here is terrible. I often see people biking on the sidewalks which’s rent big enough. And I avoid Franklin at all costs when I’m on my bike. For such a heavy foot traffic area this needs a huge upgrade. Also cars do not always stop for pedestrians.

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