What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

The biggest problem I see with Franklin boulevard is noise, safety, walkability, and bicycle transportation. The only reasonable modes of travel on Franklin are bus or car. Even driving in a car you still have to look at a very ugly, noisy, and unsafe street. Improving walkability, and biking access is the first step to improving the street. Adding trees, moving businesses up to the sidewalk and widening sidewalks creates a safer, prettier, and more inspiring walking environment.

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Franklin Blvd is asked to do a lot, but wasn’t designed to do what it’s being asked to do. It is the primary means of traveling to and from events at the UofO and it is limited by the capacity of the adjacent streets to handle the traffic loads. Some restrictions on traffic flow have been implemented in the past that have made it safer for cars and EmX, but it is not a bike or pedestrian-friendly area. I hadn’t heard of the planned changes but am happy to hear that it’s being looked at. I only visit the area when traveling to and from a business in the area. If I were to attend an event in the area, I would consider a park and ride option on EmX, or shared ride such as a taxi or Uber.

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There is no practical way to get from downtown (ie willamette and broadway) to say, riverview street or market of choice etc. without going hugely out of one’s way to either the river or 13th. If I want my trip to be direct and logical by going down Franklin…. It is awful, not safe, you end up on the sidewalk, not well lit in some stretches -given that there’s no bike lane. Both directions of sidewalk, however, also seem like they would be both tricky to navigate and not the loveliest to journey upon if one is in a chair or has a walking assist.

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Bike access is for the most avid/daring cyclists, but is sometimes necessary to connect travel points. It is a key gateway to river path access at Patterson, Onyx, and Walnut but you would not know it from a design/user experience. Multiple lanes encourage speeding and make driving stressful for maneuvering into lanes for upcoming turns and allowing for business access. It is terrible for pedestrians. I provided input on the “Walnut Station” intersection improvements over a decade ago and am dismayed at the delay in action. That intersection needs to prioritize peds/bikes/transit users and set the tone for drivers entering from the east that Franklin is a street for everybody and is not a freeway. The UO needs to adopt a student education program to de-California-ize their driving habits and learn to “chill out, share the road, destress, and breathe.” Happy/positive signage along Franklin to that effect would help too.

It would be nice to have more options for walking and biking without feeling like I could be hit by a car. As a driver, I often experience bikes and pedestrians walking out in front of my because of limited options for them. The lack of crosswalks makes it so pedestrians and bikes often jaywalk, especially in the dark when there are events on campus, and the lack of bike paths discourages my use of the businesses along Franklin.

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There is nothing wrong with the street. Adding roundabouts will cause confusion and delay. I love roundabouts, but students from around the country will be confused since they are not mainstream in city planning. I will personally not want to travel on that road and I know many others that will not as well. I feel bad for the businesses over there.

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As the Franklin area expands more, there are changes that need to be made that need made. I agree with Mr. Hiron in speaking out of “no roundabouts!! People are definitely not programed in Oregon for roundabouts Too many businesses & UofO events going on in such a short span of road. Speed is a factor in most often incidents, people hurry & don’t pay enough attention as it is!!!

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Round-abouts would be very detrimental to smoothing out traffic. They make access points for businesses more challenging and foster agitated motorists.

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Poor planned area for businesses

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Folks living in the street near Hirons Market of Choice made walking or biking in that area very dangerous plus lots of garbage. Cars drive very fast

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No businesses

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Safety should be improved but this area should not become mainly residential or multi unit housing it should remain commercial operations

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Sure, re-design for CENTER lane to get into, get out of business(es) to maneuver to lane of traffic to go the direction you wish to travel.

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Since they built Matthew knight arena, it seems too congested; difficult to get into P, C MARKET Of Choice , or Hirons; dangerous for pedestrians or bicyclists. Maybe we need more walkways overhead or underground methods of travel for bicyclists, pedestrians, people on skateboards, people on assistive devices The speed limit needs to be slower!!

Don’t change it. I’m a resident that lives just off of Franklin Blvd and I don’t want to hear construction or have to face difficulty getting home or accessing business that are close by.

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So help me if ANY more traffic circles are put up ANYWHERE I will no longer go to that part of town for ANY REASON…. I would not patronize any business, I would change doctors offices, I would stop supporting Fire & Police services in those areas…. THANK GOD I do not live in Eugene… but due to many of the street changes ( EMX, changes to traffic flow, etc.) I am doing MUCH more of my personal needs services (Physicians, Grocery shopping, Health care, goods & services, etc) in Junction city, Veneta, and Springfield, because getting areound Eugene in ANY form (Walking, biking, scooter, motorcyle, or car) is just too much of a pain in the butt to deal with anymore…. OH by the way, I’m 61 years old and have watched Eugene descend into a disaster for travel… and for all that is holy…. QUIT screwing around with LTD… it has been a disaster since the “Eugene City Bus” system was ended, and has only gotten worse since then….

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I don’t want to see HYRONS close

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There’s no bike lanes! Moving from one side of the road to the other is scary and unsafe! The sidewalks are too narrow to safely have a cyclist pass a walker! The cars parked on the side of the road block the view of cars driving of pedestrians! The parked cars block the view of pedestrians and cyclists who will want to cross crosswalks! The businesses along the road are difficult and unenjoyable to access! There’s a sign outside the 959 thats pointed at the sidewalk and says something to the effect of ‘Pedestrians – watch for cars exiting the parking lot’. Which is BullShit. I have a right to be on that damn sidewalk. It’s the CARS that need to watch for ME. Franklin is a road made by carbrains, for carbrains. In the year of our lord 2023, surely the city of Eugene, acclaimed as a bike and pedestrian accessible city, can do better. As far as on engagement, I’m not entirely sure how? Where is this being discussed?

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Market of Choice and Hirons worry about cars. But if people can drive easily they can drive to competitors. If walking and biking are better, and driving less convenient, we will shop MORE local and not drive to Costco as often or at all.

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I try to avoid shopping or driving in the area. It’s too congested and feels unsafe. Friends living near the university complain loudly about the 5 or so round-abouts they’ll have to deal with. They feel it will make it difficult to shop at Market of Choice, Hirons and WholeFoods. I must agree. I’ll stay away but I wonder how emergency vehicles will manage. Forget about going near Matthew Knight Arena if there is an event.

Need to have a way to turn left to Market of Choice when driving west. Don’t use roundabouts. They are confusing when there is a lot of traffic.

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As primarily a driver, I find it frustrating that most of Franklin Blvd does not accommodate left turns. Looking forward to roundabouts and the ability to access businesses on the other side of the corridor from the side I’m driving on.

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Move forward with the proposed changes – it will make it safer fro all involved as well as making it a more welcoming and business/university friendly welcoming from the 1-5 to our downtown core in Eugene

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We shop almost exclusively at Market of Choice and Hiron’s Pharmacy. PLEASE do not make it inconvenient to get access to these two entities.

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Improvements to provide better bike and walking use AND that allow at least as good access to Hirons and Market of Choice as there is now would be good. The tentative plan I have seen will destroy both of those vital businesses because of reduced ways to access them. The entire East Eugene neighborhood will be poorer and have to travel much further for services and sales now provided by those two businesses.

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