What the public thinks of Franklin Boulevard today

BEST asked: How safe, practical, and attractive is Franklin Boulevard adjacent to the University of Oregon for everyone today?

Here is what they wrote. The comments have been categorized by some topics that were frequently raised.

There is nothing wrong with the street. Adding roundabouts will cause confusion and delay. I love roundabouts, but students from around the country will be confused since they are not mainstream in city planning. I will personally not want to travel on that road and I know many others that will not as well. I feel bad for the businesses over there.

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Spending millions of dollars on Franklin Boulevard is completely unnecessary and a waste of taxpayer dollars. Even if much of the funding comes from the federal government, that still must ultimately be paid — either through direct taxation (i.e. raising taxes) or the indirect taxation of inflation — which hurts the lower and middle classes the most. The current federal deficit is $32 trillion and rising rapidly, threatening the economic health of our country. Also, traffic circles are unsafe, despite claims to the contrary. I have come close to getting sideswiped several times in the crazy new traffic circles recently built in the Glenwood section of Franklin Blvd. All in all, this strikes me as another government boondoggle designed to benefit bureaucrats and their cronies in private business. Please don’t make these proposed changes.

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I believe the planned changes are a financial waste of money and a monumental disaster. Reducing the travel lanes make no sense whatsoever unless your agenda is to make it difficult for drivers in effort to get them out of their cars, which will not work. I have been personally driving this route since 1967 and know it as well as anyone and what I see is a series of things designed to slow traffic. The idea or reversing one of the west bound lanes from I-5 will result in head-on collisions unless a guard rail is installed to separate the lanes and the lane is totally unwarranted especially given the plan for the round about at Orchard. Contrary to stated plans, this is not a neighborhood and never will be. Outside of I-105, Franklin Blvd is the primary route of travel between Eugene and Springfield and is a State highway and all of your wishing will not change that. Eugene sadly has a long history of making grossly bad decisions in traffic flow, i.e. the downtown mall, 18th and Willamette, Crest Drive, E. 19th with the bump-outs, E 13th, etc. A suggestion of the strongest kind, before you solidify any plans that involve changing roadways in any manner, including speed bumps, talk with and listen to emergency services personnel including police, fire and ambulance to find out how your plans will effect their ability to serve the public. We have many streets that need repair and the money being planned for something that is not needed once again shows the City’s propensity to put preference of agenda over what is best for the public.

The road needs to be re-paved. Too many potholes. I find walking on Franklin easy and safe. Driving and parking in the area is also easy. The EmX is easily accessible and frequent. I don’t believe roundabouts will help anything. They would make travel worse by changing the flow of traffic. I see students and staff commute along Franklin daily with no complaints or issues.

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Don’t change it. I’m a resident that lives just off of Franklin Blvd and I don’t want to hear construction or have to face difficulty getting home or accessing business that are close by.

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This survey is very poorly constructed & does not allow me to express my true opinion about this issue which I strongly oppose.

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I think it is fine just the way it is.

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None. Leave it alone.

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I think Franklin Blvd. is currently in good condition and is a safe travel route with almost zero traffic congestion. I can think of MUCH better used for public works/transportation funds than revamping Franklin Blvd.

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Leave it alone! It works fine just the way it is, and the plans I have seen for changing it do NOT make sense. I believe the proposed changes will cause MORE congestion, not less – especially on days when there are special events at Matthew Knight Arena, Hayward Field, the University (i.e., Move In Day)… even home football games. (And there are, at my count, almost 90 such days a year – one in four!) A total waste of millions of dollars!

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Please don’t Change it.

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Franklin Blvd should remain the same. There are back streets available for bikers & scooters to travel safely if they feel unsafe on Franklin Blvd. I feel very safe driving and/or walking. The City of Eugene already supports & has provided enough accommodations for LTD. The busses aren’t even filled to capacity. Market of Choice and Hiron’s are family owned by long time Eugene families. The City of Eugene needs to support these families who keep their businesses in Eugene, as well as take a good look as to why many businesses in Eugene have shut down and the City of Eugene makes it nearly impossible for new businesses to come to town. The City of Eugene couldn’t even keep the hospital in Eugene, while Chick-Fil-A or In-N -Out is building in Springfield.

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It’s fine to travel by car.

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I cross Franklin daily and work in buildings adjacent to it but as a cyclist the vast majority of my experience on it is crossing it not traveling its length. Whenever I have had cause to drive along it, it seems fine to me. Crossing it, I have ample safe places to wait to cross, whether on bike or foot. The traffic lights seem adequate to allow for safe crossing.

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i honestly don’t see a problem with it

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