Category: Action
BEST announces priorities in 2025
These include better streets, better transit, better biking, better walking, better projects, better funding, and better events.
BEST supports fully funding transit appropriations
BEST joins over 100 organizations across the nation in calling on Congress to keep the promise of the bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (IIJA) throughout the Fiscal Year 2025 appropriations process.
BEST thanks FTA for reforming program funding zero-emission buses
BEST joins 45 organizations across the nation in thanking the Federal Transit Administration for reforming the Low or No Emissions grant program that funds zero-emission buses for transit agencies.
BEST supports safe, equitable, accessible e-bikes, other e-micromobility
BEST joins The Street Trust and others in urging state lawmakers to establish a task force to recommend how to update laws to support e-micromobility.
BEST supports e-bikes for all: safe, equitable, accessible
BEST joins The Street Trust and others in supporting House Bill 4067 to create the Task Force on Electric Micromobility and opposing House Bill 4103 to modify the definition of an electric assisted bicycle.
BEST supports keeping recreational trails open
BEST joins Protect Oregon Recreation, Oregon Trails Coalition, and others in calling on state lawmakers to restore recreational immunity for land managers that open their lands to the public, in particular, with the -3 amendments to Senate Bill 1576.
BEST announces priorities in 2024
BEST’s priorities in 2024 include Better Streets for People and Businesses, transit, biking / walking / micromobility, safety, walkable neighborhoods, state priorities, public education, educational events, fun activities, partners, volunteers, and donors.
BEST supports Governor Kotek’s affordable housing bill—if amended
BEST supports Senate Bill 1537 to provide affordable housing for Oregonians—if amended to remove UGB expansion loopholes.
BEST calls on DEQ to do more to slow climate change
BEST joins other Oregon Climate Advocates in calling on the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) to expand the transportation element of the draft Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP) beyond support for electric vehicles (EVs).
BEST supports transportation investments in communities and people
BEST joins 195 organizations across the nation in calling on President Biden and Congress to prioritize transportation investments that put communities and people first.