BEST announces priorities in 2024

By Rob Zako
February 12, 2024

BEST’s priorities in 2024 include Better Streets for People and Businesses, transit, biking / walking / micromobility, safety, walkable neighborhoods, state priorities, public education, educational events, fun activities, partners, volunteers, and donors.

kids crossing street

The BEST Board of Directors recently adopted an ambitious plan to respond to challenges and opportunities in 2024. Priority items include:

  • Safety:  Look for opportunities to advance a Safe Systems Approach, in particular, by pooling enforcement, education, and other resources to combat the “epidemic of roadway deaths.”
  • State Priorities: Leverage other ongoing efforts and work with partners during the 2024 short session to make incremental gains. Cue up to achieve major shifts during the 2025 long session in state transportation funding and policies to benefit everyone in Lane County.
  • Public Education: Especially during a presidential election year, look for opportunities to engage with the public and officials around transportation needs, for example, through guest viewpoints, a “Transportation 101” series of cartoons, leveraging the Cycle of Change group, testifying, and surveying the views of public officials on transportation.
  • Major Events: In the spring, host a transportation fair. In the fall, host a presentation by a prominent transportation thought leader.
  • Fun Activities: Host indoor activities like happy hours, informal speaking events, and other occasional opportunities for BEST supporters to gather. Host outdoor activities like walk audits, bike audits, transit audits, and Group Rides.
  • Volunteers: Invite supporters to help advance BEST’s work in varied ways appealing to different skills and interests.
  • Donors: Engage regularly with individuals and businesses that make our work possible.

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