LTD Announces General Manager Finalists and Community Forum Date
Lane Transit District posted the following media release.
EUGENE (May 19, 2022) — Lane Transit District’s (LTD) Board of Directors will host the three finalists applying for the District’s General Manager position on Monday, May 23 through Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Over their three-day stay in the community, the finalists will meet with employees, community members, and stakeholders, as well as tour LTD facilities and the surrounding area.
The three finalists for the LTD general manager’s positions are: Jameson T. Auten, Deputy Chief Executive Officer and Chief Operating Officer, Kansas City Area Transportation Authority, Kansas City (KCATA), Missouri; Amy Cummings, Statewide Planning Manager, Parametrix, Reno, Nevada; and David G. Trimble, Deputy General Manager, Salem Area Mass Transit District (Cherriots), Salem, Oregon.
All community members will have the opportunity to participate in a Community Forum with the three candidates via Zoom on Tuesday, May 24, 2022, from 6:30 p.m. to 8 p.m. Everyone attending by Zoom must register in advance. After registering, registrants will receive a confirmation email with information about joining the webinar. The format will be exactly the same as it is for other LTD public meetings via Zoom. To ask a question, a registrant will need to raise their hand or enter the question in the chat. As many questions will be asked as time permits. Questions will be limited to one per person.
The LTD Board of Directors will meet with the finalists all day on Wednesday, May 25, 2022. Over the next few weeks, the Board of Directors will decide who to hire as the District’s next general manager based on their interviews and feedback provided by the community and employees. LTD’s Board of Directors expects to announce the new general manager by the end of its fiscal year on June 31, 2022.

See also
- Lane Transit District officials invited to introduce themselves to public (BEST, 5/13/22)
- Job: LTD seeks new general manager (BEST, 2/9/22)
- LTD’s next general manager should be a public sector leader, change agent (BEST, 1/6/22)
Further reading
- Lane Transit District announces finalists for general manager position, community forum (Register-Guard, 5/21/22)
- LTD Taps TransPro to Lead GM Search (Lane Transit District, 2/8/22)
- Aurora Jackson to Lead Northwest Pacific Transit & Rail at WSP USA (WSP, 10/7/21)
- Johnson Named LTD’s Interim GM (Lane Transit District, 8/4/21)
- Lane Transit District seeking new general manager, has two open board spots (Register-Guard, 7/24/21)
- Jackson Steps Down as LTD’s GM (Lane Transit District, 7/22/21)
- Lane Transit general manager resigns (Chronicle, 7/21/21)