Springfield candidates offer views on making streets safer

By Rob Zako
April 28, 2020

SPRINGFIELD (April 28, 2020) — Four candidates running for city council and one for mayor offered their views on making streets safer in Springfield.

In early 2015 after a driver hit and killed three children at 54th and Main Streets, Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation (BEST) expanded its mission to include promoting safe streets for everyone, regardless of how each person chooses to get around.

Now BEST invited all eight candidates running in the May 19, 2020, Primary Election to respond to a questionnaire. A local 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit, BEST does not support or oppose any candidate for elected office. BEST is sharing all responses received as a public service to inform voters.

Candidates for Ward 3

Ward 3 City Council candidate Kris McAlister wrote, “I would like to see more alter-abled paths and considerations in Springfield, as well as coordinated intersections that are equal access to each transportation choice.”

Kori Rodley wrote, “Focusing on improving the safety and efficiencies is a priority of mine and will be when I join the Springfield City Council.” Also running for Ward 3, Rodley shared that last year turning right off of Pioneer Parkway in downtown Springfield, she was rear-ended but was not injured.

A third candidate for Ward 3, Johanis Tadeo, did not submit a response to the questionnaire.

Candidate for Ward 4

Current Ward 4 City Councilor Leonard Stoehr wrote, “I would like to create public transportation that would reduce the need for car ownership and further reduce the risk of accidents.” Stoehr is running unopposed for reelection.

Candidates for Ward 6

Ward 6 City Councilor candidate Gregg Ybarra wrote, “The City of Springfield has lagged in its implementation of the Main Street Safety Program. It has lingered for years and was delayed by the City due to bumbling and indecisiveness by City leadership. Springfield will do better under my leadership by more fully integrating with regional efforts and working with partners such as Lane Transit District.”

Ybarra is challenging current Ward 6 City Councilor Joe Pishioneri, who did not submit a response to the questionnaire.

Candidates for Mayor

Mike Eyster wrote, “Springfield needs to do more to prevent crashes and serious injuries. The Main Street Safety Project has languished for years.”

Eyster is running against current Mayor Christine Lundberg, who did not submit a response to the questionnaire.

About BEST

Founded in 2012, BEST is building a successful community by bringing people together to promote transportation options, safe streets, and walkable neighborhoods.

To view all questions and responses, visit best-oregon.org/2020/04/springfield-responses.

Or visit facebook.com/BetterEugeneSpringfieldTransportation/posts/1966681203475717.
