What is the BEST we can do together in 2024?
Our supporters call for better walking, biking / micromobility, riding the bus, driving, design, transportation for youth & seniors, safety, climate change, and more!

We asked our supporters: “What is the BEST we can do together in 2024?”
At a recent gathering and via an online form, we heard many ideas, which we have categorized below.
- Lit walk crosses for pedestrians
- Sidewalk repair
- Safe & wide sidewalks
- 100% public funding for sidewalk construction and repair
Biking / Micromobility
- More bike paths!
- Bike fix it stations on bike paths
- Protected bike lanes
- More bike highways
- Education re keeping leaves out of bike lanes
- Driver Ed: Bikes are vehicles for one!
- Bike share
- Scooters
- Encourage bike rules for e-bikes (see People for Bikes videos)
- EVERY bike, whether e-bike or acoustic bike, is one less car on the road; PEACE between e-bikes and acoustic bikes
- Motorbikes (no pedals) on bike/ped paths! Yikes they go fast
- Bike music festival 2024
Riding the Bus
- Fewer cars, more LTD use
- More bus rapid transit
- A bus that has a stop at the Eugene Airport
- Car share
- More connectivity!
- Eugene roundabout? (?) St. & Roosevelt?
- Street trees
Youth & Seniors
- I would like more focus on families with young children, to support safe routes for biking and waking to school, work, shopping, and play, as well availability of bicycles and maintenance
- Plan for more senior accessible housing and transportation
- Safer streets
- Window tinting so common! We can’t get eye contact with drivers
Climate Change
- Climate Change/Elections
- Be nice to all!
- Transportation collaboration
- Addressing real solutions to the community’s transportation challenges
- Public education on what better transportation options means. The widespread belief that cars are the only “serious” transportation option means that every improvement in bike, bus or walking systems tends to be spurned by a lot of the public as toys and waste. I fear backsliding.
- I’d like some focus on “small picture“—regional transportation policies are pretty good, but implementation is uniformly dismal. Let’s pressure DOTs about how they handle bikes/peds/transit in detours, how they manage projects (High St), and whether the infrastructure they claim is bike/ped friendly actually is (any “neighborhood greenway” anywhere). Also we need to start looking at TSPs (at least in Eugene)—when the city planning process begins, let’s have a list of demands to come to the table with.
- Holding the city of Eugene accountable for basic services, such as safe sidewalks, protected bikeways, automatic speed controls for auto traffic. They seem to be failing on many aspects of Vision Zero.
- Revive Whitaker community dinners so workmommioes can pick up a meal as they bus home
- Get a hospital in Eugene