BEST supports Generating Resilient, Environmentally Exceptional National (GREEN) Streets Act
BEST joins organizations across the nation in supporting Senator Ed Markey’s (D-MA) transformative bill to measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled (VMT).

In 2019, Senators Ed Markey (D-MA) and Tom Carper (D-DE) introduced a transformative bill that would measure and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and vehicle miles traveled. This would be transformative.
Now being reintroduced, BEST is joining organizations across the nation in urging other members of Congress to co-sponsor the bill.
Open letter
We, the undersigned groups, urge you to become a co-sponsor of Senator Markey’s Generating Resilient, Environmentally Exceptional National (GREEN) Streets Act. The bill will reduce greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), advance environmental justice, and create resilient transportation systems.
The climate crisis is not coming. It is here now. This bill is an important step towards addressing the crisis on the scale that is needed.
The transportation sector is the largest source of GHG emissions in the United States. Government investments that solely focus on adding and widening roads only result in more car trips. This continually increases emissions and makes our communities less healthy. Creating car-oriented communities has other negative outcomes as well, such as creating barriers for access and connectivity to jobs and services, and exacerbating air pollution.
Senator Markey’s bill will alleviate GHG emissions from the nation’s roads, enhance access and connectivity in communities, and promote environmental justice and climate resilience in our transportation systems. Prioritizing alternative transportation options, such as public transit and active transportation, is crucial for states addressing climate change.
Specifically, the bill will build on the U.S. Department of Transportation’s existing authority to establish GHG-related performance measures by:
- Directing the Secretary of Transportation to create minimum standards for states to use to reduce GHG emissions, per capita vehicle miles traveled (VMT), and air pollution on public roads
- Requiring states and metropolitan planning organizations (MPOs) to consider projects and strategies that reduce per capita VMT and GHG emissions
- Requiring states and MPOs to analyze and make public impacts on environmental justice communities, emissions, and VMT for projects over $25 million that increase traffic capacity
We urge you to co-sponsor this important legislation.
Alliance for a Just Society/National Campaign for Transit Justice
Transportation for America
1000 Friends of Oregon
America Walks
Better Eugene-Springfield Transportation (BEST)
Bike Durham
CASE Citizens Alliance for a Sustainable Englewood
Cedar Lane Environmental Justice Ministry
Central Maryland Transportation Alliance
Clean Energy Action
Coalition for Smarter Growth
Colorado Democratic Party – Energy and Environment Initiative
Empower Our Future
Endangered Species Coalition
Metropolitan Area Planning Council
Milwaukee Riverkeeper
Move LA
Neighbors for Clean Air
Pittsburghers for Public Transit
Riders Alliance
Southwest Energy Efficiency Project
Streets For All
The Street Trust
Transit Forward Philadelphia