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In January 2016, the Vision Zero Network named ten Vision Zero Focus Cities , as well as some additional Vision Zero Emerging Cities
Anchorage, AK
Austin, TX 
With Vision Zero, Austin is building on the traffic safety initiatives already underway to work towards eliminating traffic deaths and serious injuries. This effort is integral to achieving the complete communities envisioned in Imagine Austin. The goal is to reduce the number of traffic fatalities in Austin to zero by the year 2025.
Initiated in Austin by the Pedestrian Advisory Council in 2014 and supported by numerous departments and community groups, the city council directed the city manager to create a Vision Zero Task Force to include representatives from City of Austin departments, boards & commissions; state agencies; and community representatives in the fields of health, active transportation, education, social services, transportation network companies, and representatives of vulnerable populations. In October 2015, the city council voted to adopt a Vision Zero Policy into the Imagine Austin Comprehensive Plan.
Documents: draft plan, task force presentations, other presentations, posters
Vision Zero Action Plan (1/14/2016 draft)
Imagine Austin amendment (8/24/2015): 1) Add new policy LUT P45 (p. 122): “The City commits itself to eliminating transportation-related deaths and serious injuries through a holistic Vision Zero approach. Improving safety through land use, urban design, transportation engineering, education, and enforcement is foundational to Austin becoming a city of complete communities. Safety is the top priority for the transportation system and requires a collaborative, multi-pronged approach using the guiding principles of Vision Zero…” 2) Add new action LUT A47 (p. 233): “Create an ongoing Vision Zero Task Force to create a Vision Zero Action Plan and subsequent updates to that Action Plan.” 3) Add new policy LUT P45 and new action LUT A47 to the following priority programs, and Vision Zero Action Plan to their related city initiatives…
Resolution (11/20/2014): “The City Manager is directed to create a Vision Zero Task Force. The Task Force should include a broad and diverse stakeholder community to ensure the breadth of traffic safety issues is addressed. The City Manager shall report on this policy, along with any recommendations, to Council by November 1, 2015.”
PAC recommendation (11/3/2014): “Creation of a Vision Zero Task Force to address traffic safety in Austin.”
Vision Zero ATX (Facebook) is a nonprofit organization with the mission of pursuing data-driven and evidence-based solutions to eliminate traffic deaths and serious injuries for all travel modes in Austin.
- 2/26/2016: Vision Zero Fail: Austin PD wants to ban people from lingering by busy roads
- 1/26/2016: After deadly traffic year, Austin to join national Vision Zero program
- 1/8/2016: Record number of traffic deaths has officials scratching their heads
- 11/11/2015: Proposed Vision Zero action plan to go before Austin City Council on Dec. 8
- 8/24/2015: Vision Zero: Any traffic death is too many
- 8/11/2015: Police call on Austin drivers to help curb fatal accidents
Bellevue, WA
At the core of Vision Zero is the belief that death and injury on city streets is preventable—that, for the most part, these are not “accidents” that occur but collisions that could be avoided. Collisions are often the result of poor behaviors and unforgiving roadway designs, so the problem must be approached from multiple angles: street designs that emphasize safety for the most vulnerable users, predictability and the potential for human error, coupled with targeted education and data-driven enforcement efforts.
Resolution (12/7/2015): A resolution endorsing Vision Zero, for the city of Bellevue to strive to achieve zero traffic deaths and serious injuries on Bellevue streets by 2030, and directing the Transportation Commission to review the Comprehensive Plan to determine if any updates, revisions, or additional policies are warranted in light of Vision Zero and other transportation network goals.
- 12/21/2015: City adopts Vision Zero plan to reduce traffic deaths
- 12/10/2015: Bellevue endorses Vision Zero
Boston, MA 
Vision Zero Boston is the commitment to focus the city’s resources on proven strategies to eliminate fatal and serious traffic crashes in the Boston by 2030. The city is inspired by the belief that even one fatality is too many.
Chicago, IL 
The City of Chicago is committed to building Complete Streets to ensure that everyone—pedestrians, transit users,bicyclists and motorists—can travel safely and comfortably along and across a street. Complete Streets give Chicagoans of all ages and abilities safer, cheaper, and healthier travel options. They support economic development and can incorporate environmental services and placemaking, which helps to create sustainable infrastructure and communities. The Chicago Department of Transportation (CDOT) is working to bring these benefits to your community.
- 3/19/2015: “Vision Zero” Plan Recommended for Reducing Traffic Injuries, Fatalities
- 5/28/2012: Chicago’s Ambitious Plan for Zero Traffic Fatalities
- 5/14/2012: Chicago Aims for Zero Traffic Deaths by 2022
Columbia, MO
Denver, CO 
On February 17, 2016, Mayor Michael B. Hancock announced the city’s commitment to eliminate all traffic-related deaths and serious injuries on Denver’s roadways. Denver’s Vision Zero commitment seeks to reduce fatal crashes consistently year-over-year through numerous strategies including increased coordination of city department work and community engagement.
Eugene, OR 
Fort Lauderdale, FL 
Vision Zero Fort Lauderdale is a response to citizens’ concerns about safety for the traveling public, whether walking, biking, riding a bus or train, or driving a car. Neighbors prioritized a connected multimodal transportation network where the pedestrian is first in the City’s Fast Forward Fort Lauderdale 2035 Vision Plan, which was completed in 2013. Since that time, our neighbors have placed a priority on improving safety and connectivity of the transportation network.
Fremont, CA
Houston, TX
Los Angeles, CA 
The City of Los Angeles and its partners will use a data-driven approach to reach the goal of Vision Zero. This includes prioritizing areas of the city with the most need for safety improvements. Los Angeles is implementing a multi-faceted approach to reach these targets, with a commitment to: engineering and planning, enforcement, education, evaluation and monitoring, and partnerships with government agencies and the people of Los Angeles—all with a specific emphasis on equity and our most vulnerable road users.
New York, NY 
Portland, OR 
San Antonio, TX 
San Diego, CA
San Francisco, CA 
San Mateo, CA
San José, CA 
Santa Barbara, CA
Seattle, WA 
Vision Zero is Seattle’s plan to end traffic deaths and serious injuries by 2030. Death and injury on Seattle’s streets is preventable. For the most part, these aren’t “accidents.” Collisions are often the result of poor behaviors and unforgiving roadway designs. So Seattle must approach the problem from multiple angles: street designs that emphasize safety, predictability, and the potential for human error, coupled with targeted education and data-driven enforcement.